In late 2017, the Boston Landmarks Commission and the Massachusetts Historical Commission determined that part of Jeffries Point surrounding Brophy Park/Belmont Square is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places as a district. Designation will represent national recognition of the value of Jeffries Point’s historic architecture.
The process to nominate the “Belmont District” for the National Register of Historic Places is ongoing. The first of two community meetings to inform residents of the nomination process and to answer any questions or concerns was held on April 4, 2018. Staff from the Boston Landmarks Commission and the Massachusetts Historical Commission were in attendance.
The map below shows the proposed boundaries of the Belmont National Register District as of April, 2018. The nomination process for the district is in early stages, and these boundaries may be subject to small changes as the process moves forward.
National Register designation offers certain benefits to the community while placing no restrictions on homeowners using private funds to work on their homes. The following presentation and information sheets from the Massachusetts Historical Commission describe what the National Register is, along with the effects and benefits of listing a property on the National Register:
- NR Talk East Boston. Belmont HD 4.4.18.ppt
- Effects and Benefits of Listing.pdf
- rights-of-private-property-owners.pdf
- There’s a Difference 2012.pdf
The following information sheet describes the criteria that the Massachusetts Historical Commission and the National Park Service use to determine eligibility for the National Register:
In order for the Boston Landmarks Commission and the Massachusetts Historical Commission to determine the Belmont District’s National Register eligibility, an inventory form was prepared for the District. The inventory form describes the architecture and history of the District, comments on the District’s historic significance, provides a proposed list of properties that fall within the District along with approximate dates of construction and includes photographs of the proposed District. The full inventory form can be viewed below: