JPNA Newsletter (6/17/2020 Edition)

Community Updates

Hello Jeffries Point Neighbors!

Although we continue to social-distance for public health reasons, there continue to be activities and planning happening in the neighborhood.  We wanted to share these updates with you:

Traffic Safety at Orleans Street and Marginal Street – Petition
The intersection of Orleans Street and Marginal Street is extremely busy and has been a concern to the neighborhood for quite some time.  In the wake of the recent accident, the JPNA is petitioning the City to expedite the study of this intersection and implement traffic calming measures.  Click here to view the petition.

Tree Inventory Training:  Please join Speak for the Trees for a virtual tree inventory training webinar on Thursday, June 18, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. This webinar will be done over Zoom. You can register for the meeting here. You will need to simply add your name and email address. After registering, a link to access the webinar will be sent to your email address that you provided. If you have any questions, please ask Michael at

Low Cost Rain Barrels:  Eastie Farm and Tree Eastie have recently partnered to offer East Boston residents rain barrels! Rain barrels are available immediately on a sliding scale of $10-$30. Typically, this size would cost you more than $100. Best of all, socially distanced volunteers are available to help you pick the right location and set up your rain barrel, ensuring it is in place immediately. If you have any questions or would like to order please email    Click online here. Cash, check, or Venmo is accepted. If you’d like more than one barrel, fittings will be supplied to connect them together. Installation instructions are available if you would like to DIY

EBHCS Summer Webinar Series: The East Boston Harborside Community School is hosting a series of 6 webinars over the summer to help the community stay connected. Topics include: Community Awareness and Updates, School Opening and COVID Updates from EBNHC. All are FREE and held over zoom.  For a list of dates and how to register please go to or their Facebook page.

JPNA Planning & Zoning Meetings:  We have two JPNA Planning & Zoning Meetings this month. Visit the JPNA website for full details:

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Board of Directors:
Rachel Blomerth | Mary Cole | Margaret Farmer | Andrew Pike

JPNA June 2020 Planning & Zoning Meetings (6/17 & 6/24)

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association
Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Agenda

We are holding two meetings in June to ensure that each project receives adequate time for community discussion.

Both of the JPNA P&Z Meetings will be held ONLINE via ZOOM.  Registration information for each meeting is separate.  Links are provided in the meeting notices below. If you have any difficulty registering or attending, please contact us at

The JPNA will be recording these meetings and may post the recordings online.

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020;  7 – 8:30 pm

Zoom Video Conference

AGENDA (subject to change)

  • 57 Webster Street, 1st Presentation: Erect Addition, change occupancy to a four-unit residential dwelling with deck and remodel. Developer: Kat Glaropoulos, LLC; Represented By: Richard C. Lynds
  • 333 Maverick Street, 1st Presentation: Erect a vertical addition, change occupancy to a four-unit residential dwelling, extend living space into the basement and erect a roof deck.  Developer: Crespo Holdings, LLC; Represented By: Richard C. Lynds
  • 492 Sumner Street, 1st Presentation: Seeking to confirm residency as a 3-family residential dwelling, change to a 4-family residential dwelling, and renovate.  Developer: Eagle Hill Venture I, LLC; Represented By: Jeffrey Drago

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA P&Z 2020_06_17.docx.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]


Wednesday, June 24, 2020;  7 – 8:30 pm

Zoom Video Conference

AGENDA (subject to change)

  • 323 Maverick Street, 1st Presentation: Seeking to raze the existing structure and erect a four-family residential dwelling; Owner/Developer: Boston Building Company LLC; Represented By: Jeffrey Drago
  • POSTPONED 304 Sumner Street, 1st  Presentation: Residential Remodeling/Addition Multi-Family; Property Owner: 304 Sumner St. LLC; Represented By: Celio Decamargo
  • 223 Everett Street – 1st PresentationAdd new rear addition to existing 3-family. New side and roof-decks Property Owner/Developer: Paul Hardiman

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA P&Z 2020_06_24.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]


2020 Planning & Zoning Meeting dates are available at

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Board of Directors:
Cindy Baxter | Rachel Blomerth | Mary Cole | Margaret Farmer | Andrew Pike

June 2020 Monthly Meeting Agenda

Monday, June 8th, 2020
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Zoom Video Conference

Below please find the agenda for the Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association scheduled monthly meeting for June, 2020.  The meeting will be held via Zoom Video Conference due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic.

AGENDA (subject to change):

  • Greetings & Announcements
  • Boston Police Update
  • Mayor Marty Walsh – COVID-19 and City of Boston Update   CANCELED
  • Massport Update – Anthony Guerrero will update us on:
    • the Tall Ship – [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Eastie Landing – 2020-03-25.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
    • Piers Park Phase 2 parking – [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”PiersParkPhaseII_LendLeaseParkingProposal_20190521.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • New Meeting Setup – Mary Cole & Andrew Pike explain how Zoom will be used in presentations and future voting meetings
    • [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Zoom Meetings – 6_8_2020.pptx” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

Questions will be handled via the Zoom chat feature. Looking forward to “seeing” you all there!


[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Meeting MinutesJune 8, 2020.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]


2020 meeting dates are posted at

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Board of Directors:
Cindy Baxter | Margaret Farmer | Mary Cole | Andrew Pike | Rachel Blomerth

JPNA Newsletter (5/25/2020 Edition)

Community Updates

Hello Jeffries Point Neighbors!

Although we continue to social distance for public health reasons, there continue to be activities and planning happening in the neighborhood.  We wanted to share these updates with you:

  • The Samuel Adams School is having a Chalk Your Walk event! Everyone is being asked to draw your best rainbows, your happiest doodles and messages of hope all over your sidewalks! Snap a picture and send it to the email/phone below by May 29 to be featured in the school’s newest video! Please send your picture by email to or text to 781-656-5449.
  • Tree Eastie continues to be active, mapping trees throughout East Boston, securing a grant from the East Boston Foundation and more!  Check out their website at for a full list of activities!
    • One great option from Tree Eastie? A $10 tree! Just click here and input your address and zip code. The website will assist you in determining where to plant your tree for annual energy savings. By supporting this effort with a $10 donation, you will receive a one-gallon tree and experience its generosity for years to come.
  • The East Boston Soup Kitchen continues to support the community. Although with heavy hearts they closed the kitchen, they continue to support our friends and neighbors with the distribution of grocery store gift cards. If you would like to donate gift cards or funds in support, please send donations to: EBCSK, PO Box 497, East Boston, MA. 02128.
  • Looking for a mask? The Immigrant Women Cooperative Project CCDS is a Sewing Cooperative Project for and by immigrant women affected by the current pandemic and economic crisis.  They are selling masks to support their families.  Here is the order form:
Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Board of Directors:
Cindy Baxter | Mary Cole | Margaret Farmer | Andrew Pike | Rachel Blomerth

Hey Neighbor! Virtual Social Hour


Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, we are not able to hold our monthly meeting in May.

We do want to see you!  And we want to give everyone a chance to socialize virtually.  To do this, we will host a virtual “social hour” on Zoom:

Wednesday. May 6th
7:00pm – 8:00pm

To register, please fill out this form.  We will email you the log-in information the day before the event.

Meanwhile, we want to encourage people to contact the best available resources for help during this unprecedented time. Here is who we recommend:

  1. Emergencies: Call 911.
  2. Medical concerns: Call your doctors for guidance instead of walking into a health clinic.
  3. City detailed information: The banner at the top of the home page links to many resources.
  4. City of Boston Twitter accounts: City of Boston City of Boston Emergency Management
  5. City of Boston information via a daily text message to your phone: text BOSCOVID to 99411. This text service is also available in Spanish, Haitian Creole, French, Cabo Verdean Creole, and Portuguese. Text BOSEspanol for Spanish. Text BOSKreyol for Haitian Kreyol. Text BOSFrancais for French. Text BOSKriolu for Cabo Verdean Creole. Text BOSPortugues for Portuguese. Updates in 10 total languages can additionally be accessed through Each language has its own page and hosts multilingual print materials distributed citywide.
  6. City of Boston requests for service or appointments, Call 311, (please don’t walk into city hall without a scheduled appointment) 
  7. State detailed information:
  8. State Twitter: @COVID19MA
  9. Lina Tramelli, the East Boston Mayor’s Liason publishes an email newsletter for East Boston with up to date information on COVID-19 and other issues that impact East Boston. Follow this link to subscribe:
  10. There are several groups of local residents offering to pick up groceries and assist local residents. These can be found on Slack and Facebook.
  11. If you are in need of emergency resources, please go to
  12. is maintaining the most complete list of emergency resources for families and individuals in need.
Thank you for making this a great neighborhood. Stay safe. We will get through this together.
More information is available at

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Board of Directors:
Cindy Baxter | Rachel Blomerth | Mary Cole | Margaret Farmer | Andrew Pike