CANCELED: *All* April 2020 JPNA Meetings

The Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association (JPNA) thanks the many people caring for our community.

Due to continued public health concerns regarding COVID-19, we will not hold any JPNA meetings in April. Both the monthly meeting and the scheduled Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Meetings are canceled. We encourage everyone to continue social and physical distancing to stay safe and slow the spread of the virus.

We continue to coordinate with the City of Boston regarding development issues. The Zoning Board of Appeals has canceled its March and April Meetings. The Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services (ONS) has assured us “ONS will support the JPNA on any delay regarding the community process and will continue to require projects to come before the JPNA as part of this process.”

Voting for JPNA funding will be moved to May. Nominations for open JPNA positions will happen in May.

We want to encourage people to contact the best available resources for help during this unprecedented time. Here is who we recommend:

  1. Emergencies: Call 911.
  2. Medical concerns: Call your doctors for guidance instead of walking into a health clinic.
  3. City detailed information: The banner at the top of the home page links to many resources.
  4. City of Boston Twitter accounts: City of Boston City of Boston Emergency Management
  5. City of Boston information via a daily text message to your phone: text BOSCOVID to 99411. This text service is also available in Spanish, Haitian Creole, French, Cabo Verdean Creole, and Portuguese. Text BOSEspanol for Spanish. Text BOSKreyol for Haitian Kreyol. Text BOSFrancais for French. Text BOSKriolu for Cabo Verdean Creole. Text BOSPortugues for Portuguese. Updates in 10 total languages can additionally be accessed through Each language has its own page and hosts multilingual print materials distributed citywide.
  6. City of Boston requests for service or appointments, Call 311, (please don’t walk into city hall without a scheduled appointment) 
  7. State detailed information:
  8. State Twitter: @COVID19MA
  9. Lina Tramelli, the East Boston Mayor’s Liason publishes an email newsletter for East Boston with up to date information on COVID-19 and other issues that impact East Boston. Follow this link to subscribe:
  10. There are several groups of local residents offering to pick up groceries and assist local residents. These can be found on Slack and Facebook.
  11. If you are in need of emergency resources, please go to
  12. is maintaining the most complete list of emergency resources for families and individuals in need.
Thank you for making this a great neighborhood. Stay safe. We will get through this together.

More information is available at

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Board of Directors:
Cindy Baxter | Rachel Blomerth | Mary Cole | Margaret Farmer | Andrew Pike

CANCELED: JPNA March 2020 Planning & Zoning Meeting (3/18)

Due to the ongoing public health emergency, we are canceling next Wednesday’s (3/18) JPNA Planning & Zoning (P&Z) meeting.


Please check in on each other, particularly elderly neighbors or those with chronic health conditions.  We’ll be in touch with more information as we know more.


In the meanwhile, stay safe, wash your hands frequently and feel free to email us at  We are fortunate to live in such a wonderful neighborhood.


Here are links government sources with more information: 

2020 Planning & Zoning Meeting dates are available at

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Board of Directors:
Cindy Baxter | Rachel Blomerth | Mary Cole | Margaret Farmer | Andrew Pike

March 2020 Planning & Zoning Meeting Agenda (3/18)

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association
Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Agenda
Wednesday, March 18, 2020;  7 – 8:30 pm
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center: Training Building
250 Sumner Street

AGENDA (subject to change)

  • 57 Webster Street – Erect Addition, change occupancy to a four-unit residential dwelling with deck and remodel. Developer: Kat Glaropoulos; Represented by Richard C. Lynds. (1st Presentation)
  • 333 Maverick Street  – Erect a vertical addition, change occupancy to a four-unit residential dwelling, extend living space into the basement and erect a roof deck. Developer: Crespo Holdings, LLC; Represented by Richard C. Lynds. (1st Presentation)
  • 492 Sumner Street –  Seeking to confirm residency as a 3-family residential dwelling, change to a 4-family residential dwelling and renovate. Developer: Eagle Hill Venture I, LLC; Represented by: Jeffrey Drago  (1st Presentation)

We thank the EBNHC for letting us use the space.
We MUST be out of the building by 8:30PM.

2020 Planning & Zoning Meeting dates are available at

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Board of Directors:
Cindy Baxter | Rachel Blomerth | Mary Cole | Margaret Farmer | Andrew Pike

March 2020 Monthly Meeting Agenda

Monday, March 9th, 2020
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Jeffries Yacht Club
565 Sumner Street

Below please find the agenda for the Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association scheduled monthly meeting for March, 2020.  The meeting will be held at the Jeffries Yacht Club located at 565 Sumner Street in East Boston.

AGENDA (subject to change):

  • Greetings & Announcements
  • Boston Police Update
  • Pueblo – Stephen
    [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA Presentation – Pueblo.pptx” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • City Councilor at Large Michael Flaherty – Community Update
  • 362 Sumner St
    11 in Favor, 17 Against
    Developer: Daniel Sibor; Represented by: Richard C. Lynds. Proposal to demolish a one family home and erect a 3-unit residential dwelling.
  • 382 Sumner St
    Opposed: 4 in Favor, 24 Against
    Developer, 382 Sumner St., LLC; Represented by: Richard C. Lynds. Proposal to demolish an existing one-family home and erect a 3-unit residential dwelling.
  • POSTPONED: 32 Orleans St (VOTE!) – Owner Julius Sokol, presented by Attorney Richard Lynds. Demolition of a single lot, combined with an empty lot. New construction will erect a 5-story, 6-unit, residential building with parking.
  • Presentation on Community Proposals for JPNA Funding
    [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Funding Proposals.pptx” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
    Come to the March meeting (3/9) to ensure you are eligible to vote on these proposals at the April Monthly Meeting (4/13)

    • Easter Egg Hunt: Easter Egg Hunt in Piers Park
    • Eastie Farm: Earth Day Event & Seedling Giveaway
    • Mothers Out Front East Boston: Green Wall Installation
    • Park Beautification (Brophy) – Bed Fencing and MicroClover
    • Park Beautification (Porzio) – Bed Fencing and MicroClover
    • Piers Park Sailing Center: Jeffries Point Harbor Day – Free Sailing & Kayaking
    • ZUMIX –  Additional for ZUMIX Summer Concerts in Piers Park
We will be holding everyone to a time limit, and asking audience members to limit themselves to one question per topic.
[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Meeting Minutes March 9, 2020.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

2020 meeting dates are posted at

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Board of Directors:
Cindy Baxter | Margaret Farmer | Mary Cole | Andrew Pike | Rachel Blomerth

JPNA February 2020 Planning & Zoning Meetings (2/19 & 2/26)

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association
Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Agenda

We are holding two meetings in February to ensure that each project receives adequate time for community discussion.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020;  7 – 8:30 pm
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center: Training Building
250 Sumner Street

AGENDA (subject to change)

  • 223 Everett Street – Add new rear addition to existing 3-family. New side and roof-decks Property Owner/Developer: Paul Hardiman
  • 32 Orleans Combine lots and erect a 5-story, 6-unit, residential building with parking. Developer: 32 Orleans St., LLC; Represented By: Richard C. Lynds
  • 382 Sumner Street – Erect a 3-unit residential dwelling; 1st presentation. Developer: 382 Sumner St., LLC; Represented By: Richard C. Lynds

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA P&Z 2020_02_19.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

Wednesday, February 26, 2020;  7 – 8:30 pm
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center: Training Building
250 Sumner Street

AGENDA (subject to change)

  • 362 Sumner Street – Erect a 3-unit residential dwelling; 2nd presentation.; Developer: Daniel Sibor; Represented By: Richard C. Lynds
  • 159-165 Everett Street  – Erect a 7-unit residential dwelling with parking; 2nd presentation; Property Owner: Joseph Vitale; Represented By: Richard C. Lynds
  • 16&18 Cottage Street – Add rear and 4th story additions & roof decks to both properties. Property Owner/Developer: Norberto Perez; Represented By: Jeffrey R. Drago

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA P&Z 2020_02_26.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

We thank the EBNHC for letting us use the space.
We MUST be out of the building by 8:30PM.

2020 Planning & Zoning Meeting dates are available at

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association Board of Directors:
Cindy Baxter | Rachel Blomerth | Mary Cole | Margaret Farmer | Andrew Pike