JPNA Bylaws Updates 2019

The Board has decided to update the JPNA Bylaws in 2019.



The process to make changes to the bylaws involves two monthly meetings: at the March 11, 2019 meeting we will present and discuss the proposed changes, and at the April 8, 2019 meeting, the entire membership will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed changes. Reminder: to be eligible to vote on the bylaws changes, you will need to have attended at least one monthly JPNA meeting in January, February or March in addition to the April meeting where voting will occur.


Proposed Changes

The proposed changes to the bylaws mainly deal with the JPNA’s boundaries and voting practices. These are the main changes that will be up for a vote:

  • Modifications to the JPNA’s boundaries: The JPNA’s current boundaries overlap entirely with the Gove Street Citizens’ Association’s (GSCA) boundaries. The proposal is to change the JPNA’s boundaries to exclude any areas currently covered by the GSCA.
  • Change in voting requirements for project abutters: For votes on development projects, the meeting attendance voting requirement will be waived for abutters to the project under consideration. The JPNA will use the City’s definition of a project abutter.
  • Reduction in the quorum percentage for votes: The quorum that allows the JPNA to hold a vote at any given meeting will be reduced from 25% to 15% of voting members to reduce the risk of holding a meeting where we are unable to vote.

To review the proposed changes in more detail, relevant documents are available here:

  • Overview Presentation
  • [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Bylaws update for voting consideration May 2019 v2.pptx” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • Current Bylaws (passed in 2014)
  • [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA Articles of Incorporation.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA_GCSA_Proposed_Boundaries_20190514.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Proposed Bylaws” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • Gove Street Civic Association Streets & House Numbers


January 2019 Planning & Zoning Meeting

Wednesday, January 16, 2019 7 – 8:30 pm
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center Training Building
250 Sumner Street

AGENDA (subject to change)

272 Sumner Street Erect 4th floor addition and change occupancy to include 4 residential units with parking for 2 vehicles. 2nd appearance. Attorney Richard Lynds.

2 Brigham Street– Erect 4th floor addition. Attorney Richard Lynds.

132 Marginal Street– Erect a 4-story, 9 unit residential dwelling with 9 off street parking spaces. Attorney Richard Lynds.

Presentation materials:
272 Sumner Street
2 Brigham Street
132 Marginal Street

January 2019 Monthly Meeting

Monday, January 14, 2019
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Jeffries Yacht Club
565 Sumner Street

AGENDA (subject to change):

  • Police Updates – Sergeant Martin, Officer Simons.
  • Community Updates – Jesús García-Mota, Office of Neighborhood Services.
  • State of the JPNA – A 2018 year in review presentation from the JPNA Board.
  • Nominations for Open JPNA Board Positions– There are two open positions on the JPNA Board. Nominations will be taken at this meeting with a vote for new board members at the February meeting. Interested in joining the Board? Full details here.
  • Jesse Schomer– Jesse is an East Boston resident who is applying for a position on the Boston Zoning Board of Appeal. He’s seeking neighborhood support for his application.
  • Downeast Cider – Downeast is seeking a full pour alcohol license for their shipyard location. There will be an informational presentation on Downeast’s plans at this meeting followed by a vote in February. Nick Sudheimer.
  • East Boston Bloom Marijuana Dispensary– Informational presentation on plans to open a recreational marijuana dispensary in Maverick Square. Presented by East Boston Bloom LLC (owners: Luis Vasco, Steven Vasco, Nick Spagnola, and Julis Sokol).



Want to Join the JPNA Board? Here’s How.

Live in Jeffries Point? Want to Help Shape Our Neighborhood’s Future?  

Run for a Position on the JPNA Board

Two JPNA Board Members have recently stepped down leaving two open positions on the Board. Interested in joining the board? Here are the details:

Eligibility: Anyone who lives in Jeffries Point, both renters and homeowners, is eligible to join the JPNA board.

Nominations: We will collect nominations for the two open board positions at the January 14th meeting. Self-nominations are encouraged.

Voting: After briefly hearing from each of the nominated individuals, we will vote on new board members at the February 11th meeting. (Reminder: in order to be eligible to vote at this meeting, you will need to have attended at least one of the previous three monthly JPNA meetings).

Questions? Curious about what’s involved in serving on the JPNA Board? Contact current board members at:

November 2018 Planning & Zoning Meeting

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association P&Z Agenda
Wednesday November 14, 2018 7-8:30 pm
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center Training Building
250 Sumner Street

AGENDA (reviewed)

272 Sumner Street – Erect addition and change occupancy to include 4 residential units with parking for 2 vehicles.

Minutes: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA P&Z 2018_11_14.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]