Community Events and Meetings November/December 2018

  • PLAN East Boston – the effort to create a new Master Plan and revised zoning for East Boston is starting:
    • There will be a meeting Wednesday Night
      • Nov 14, 2018
      • 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
      • East Boston Social Centers in Central Square
    • The date to submit nominations for the Advisory Group has been extended to November 15th (Thursday).   Nomination forms can be found on the BPDA website. If you’re interested, you can nominate yourself.
  • The “wrap-up” community meeting for the Suffolk Downs Redevelopment Project will be on Tuesday December 11th 7pm-8:30pm at the Suffolk Downs Clubhouse, third floor
  • Salesians Pasta Dinner – This Friday 11/16 at 6:30 pm
  • Saturday, November 17th – Harborkeepers is hosting a waterfront clean-up starting at the Eddy at 9:30am.
  • Saturday, November 17th – Sacred Heart Parish will have their Christmas Bazaar.
  • Sunday, December 9th – East Boston Open Market will have their holiday market at the Eddy.
  • Monday, December 10th – JPNA Holiday Potluck, 6:30 pm at the Jeffries Yacht Club, 565 Sumner St. Bring a dish to share and hang out with neighbors. We’ll have a craft table set up for kids.

November 2018 Monthly Meeting

Monday, November 12, 2018
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Jeffries Yacht Club
565 Sumner Street

AGENDA (subject to change):

  • JPNA Announcements– JPNA Board.
  • Police Updates – Sergeant Martin, Officer Simons.
  • Community Updates – Jesús García-Mota, Office of Neighborhood Services.
  • Boston Inspectional Services – Overview of the new Plastic Bag Ordinance being implemented in December.
  • Downeast Cider – Update on Downeast’s future plans in the Shipyard. Matt Brockman.
  • NOAH Youth Crew – Presentation on NOAH’s Youth Summit and ongoing campaign work.

MEETING MINUTES AVAILABLE HERE: November_12_2018 Minutes.pdf


October 2018 Monthly Meeting

TUESDAY, October 9, 2018
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Jeffries Yacht Club,
565 Sumner Street

AGENDA (reviewed):

Further details in the minutes

September 2018 Monthly Meeting

TUESDAY, September 11, 2018
Held 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Jeffries Yacht Club
565 Sumner Street

AGENDA reviewed:

  • Police Updates – Officer Simons.  Highlights:  PLEASE report vandalism, it helps the police investigate and track offenders down.  PLEASE lock your cars!  Break-ins stay high when offenders know that cars are unlocked.
  • Community Updates – Jesus Garcia-Mota, Office of Neighborhood Services
  • Cape Air Sea Planes – Cape Air informational update for introducing sea plane service to Boston Harbor.
    Cape Air Presentation
  • Downeast Cider House – To be rescheduled, Downeast Cider did not attend.
  • 4-6 Everett Place – Proposal to renovate existing buildings and change occupancy of both buildings to two-family residential. Attorney Lorene Schettino. FINAL VOTE 19 in favor; 6 opposed.

Further details in the minutes

August 2018 Planning & Zoning Meeting

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association P&Z  held Wednesday August 15, 2018 7-8:30 pm.

4-6 Everett Place –Change occupancy of 4 and 6 Everett Place from 1 to 2-unit residential dwellings, renovate both buildings and add rear decks to 4 Everett Place. Architect: Choo and Co. Attorney Lorene Schettino presented from Richard Lynds’ office.  Attendees agreed that this project is ready to come to the next regular JPNA meeting for a vote when agenda time is available.  The abutters’ meeting is still to be scheduled and the refusal letter has been issue by the city.  The presentation provides detail about the project and can be found here: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”4-6 Everett Place.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

Meeting Minutes: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA P&Z 2018_08_15 minutes.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]