August 2018 Monthly Meeting

Monday, August 13, 2018 at 7:00 pm
EBNHC Training Center
250 Sumner Street, East Boston


  • Police Updates – Sergeant Martin, Officer Simons
  • Community Updates – Jesus Garcia-Mota, Office of Neighborhood Services
  • East Boston Greenway Update – Kannan Thiruvengadam
  • Energy Efficiency and Household Hazardous Waste  Gabriela Boscio, Climate Program Manager, NOAH.
  • Boston Community Preservation Program – Update on the implementation of the Community Preservation Act in Boston, which funds historic preservation, open space, and affordable housing across the City. Christine Poff, Community Preservation Director.
  • Casa Romero, 303 Sumner Street – CANCELLED
  • Somalian Cafe, 389 Maverick Street – Informational presentation on a new restaurant that plans to open at 389 Maverick. Yahya Noor, owner.
  • 9-15 Webster Avenue – Proposal to erect vertical, third floor addition on existing building at 11-15 Webster Ave. to create a 4-unit residential building. Build new 2-unit, 3-story residential building on vacant lot at 9 Webster Ave. Project includes a total of 6 residential units with no parking due to location on Webster Ave. Attorney Mark Lacasse. VOTE
  • 210 Webster Street – Proposal to expand rear addition. Architect, Lyle Bradley. VOTE
  • 30 Orleans Street: Proposal to erect a new, 2-family residential building with two parking spaces on a vacant lot. VOTE

MEETING MINUTES AVAILABLE HERE: [google-drive-embed url=”″ title=”JPNA Aug_13_2018 Minutes.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]


[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”210 Webster St.pptx” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”._EB Greenway.pptx” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA Meeting Presentation Layouts.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”30 Orleans_14August.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

July 2018 Planning & Zoning Meeting

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association P&Z Agenda
Wednesday July 18, 2018 7pm
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center Training Building
250 Sumner Street

AGENDA (subject to change)

7:00 – 8:00 pm: Narrow Gauge Lots – Discussion on possible development of four lots comprising the former former right-of-way of the Boston, Revere Beach, and Lynn Narrow Gauge Railroad. See here for copies of past presentations. The four lots run from Maverick Street in the North to the Shipyard in the South. This meeting will consist of an open discussion on the following topics:

  • Programming (10 mins): number of residential units, number of affordable units, commercial space, etc.
  • Architecture (10 mins): number of buildings, building heights and massing, building design and materials.
  • Parking/Transportation (10 mins): number and location of off-street parking spaces, curb cuts, etc.
  • Public Facilities and Open Space (10 mins): Location and design of public walkways and open space, vision for public open space.
  • Existing Tunnel (10 mins): Possible preservation/reuse of existing tunnel, engineering concerns about building above the tunnel.
  • Miscellaneous comments and questions (10 mins)

8:00 – 8:15 pm: 30 Orleans Street – 4th appearance with updates. New construction of a residential building on open lot. Presented by Felipe Robiglio. Architect: Joy Street Design. 

8:15 – 8:30 pm: 9-15 Webster Avenue – 3rd appearance. Proposal to erect vertical, third floor addition on existing building at 11-15 Webster Ave. to create a 4-unit residential building. Build new 2-unit, 3-story residential building on vacant lot at 9 Webster Ave. Project includes a total of 6 residential units. No parking proposed. Attorney Mark Lacasse. See here for project presentations.

Meeting Minutes: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA P&Z 2018_07_17 minutes.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

JPNA Summer Potluck is Monday July 9th!

Join us for the Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association’s Summer Potluck!

When: Monday July 9, 2018 at 6:30 pm
Where: Golden Stairs Terrace Park (Jr. Lombardi Outlook), at the corner of Ruth and Brigham Streets

All are welcome!

Bring a dish to share, and enjoy a fun evening with neighbors. BONUS: This potluck counts as a “monthly” meeting for the purposes of voting in August, September, and October.

Sign up here to tell us what you’re bringing (That way we don’t have 50 versions of potato salad!) 

There will be a raffle to raise money to fund the JPNA annual expenses.  We have lots of great raffle prizes. Tickets are $1 – 1 ticket, $5 – 6 tickets, $10 – 13 tickets, $20 – 30 Tickets.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The July Planning and Zoning meeting will be held as usual, at the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center training building at 250 Sumner Street at 7pm, Wednesday, July 18th.

June 2018 Planning & Zoning Meeting

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association P&Z Agenda
Wednesday June 20, 2018 7pm
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center Training Building
250 Sumner Street

AGENDA (reviewed)

210 Webster Street: 1st appearance. Proposal to expand rear addition. Lyle Bradley. See here for presentations and documents.

159-165 Everett Street: 3rd appearance with updates. Proposal to combine lots and erect a 9 unit residential dwelling with parking. Attorney Richard Lynds. See here for presentations and documents.

30 Orleans Street: 3rd appearance with updates. New construction of 3 unit residential building on open lot. Presented by Felipe Robiglio. Architect: Joy Street Design. See here for presentations and documents.

Meeting Minutes: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA P&Z 2018_06_20 minutes.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

June 2018 Monthly Meeting

Monday, June 11, 2018 at 7:00 pm
Jeffries Yacht Club
565 Sumner Street


AGENDA (reviewed):


  • Police Updates – Sergeant Martin, Officer Simons
  • Community Updates – Jesus Garcia-Mota, Office of Neighborhood Services
  • Eastie Farm Update – Kannan Thiruvengadam. Presentation: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Eastie Farm Presentation JPNA.pptx” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • EBNHC Local Food Access Programming: including the East Boston Farmers Market and Community Supported Agriculture (farm share) program. Gabrielle Witham.
  • City of Boston Zero Waste Plan – Susan Cascino, Recycling Policy Director. Presentation: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”ZW Planning – WR.pptx” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • Massport – Taxi Pool Relocation. Presentation: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA.pptx” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • 91 Webster Street: Proposal to construct a new roof deck. Robyn Antonucci, owner representing the condo association. VOTE Presentation: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”91 Webster Street Presentation (3).pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • 277 Webster Street: Proposal to expand living space into basement and construct new rear decks. Attorney Diane Modica. VOTE 
  • 283 Webster Street: Proposal to extend living space into the basement of existing 3 unit dwelling and add rear decks and roof deck. Attorney Richard Lynds. VOTE Presentation: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”283 Webster Street 06-11-18 JPNA NEW.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

Meeting Minutes Available Here: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA June_11_2018 minutes.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]