May 2018 Planning & Zoning Meeting
Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association P&Z Agenda
Wednesday held May 16, 2018 7pm
AGENDA (reviewed)
- 277 Webster Street: 1st appearance. Proposal to expand living space into basement and construct new rear decks. Attorney Diane Modica. Presentations and documents available here.
- 159-165 Everett Street: 2nd appearance. Proposal to combine lots and erect a 9 unit residential dwelling with parking. Attorney Richard Lynds. Presentations and documents available here.
- 9-15 Webster Avenue: 2nd appearance with changes to the following proposal: Proposal to erect vertical, fourth floor addition on existing building at 11-15 Webster Ave. to create a 6-unit residential building. Build new 3-unit, 4-story residential building on vacant lot at 9 Webster Ave. Project includes a total of 9 residential units. No parking proposed. Attorney Mark Lacasse. Presentations and documents available here.
- Narrow Gauge Tunnel Lots: Discussion of potential development on four vacant lots between Maverick and Everett, Everett and Sumner, Sumner and Webster, and Webster and Marginal. Developer: MG2, Attorney Richard Lynds. Presentations and documents available here.
Meeting Minutes: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA P&Z 2018_05_18 minutes.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]