May 2018 Planning & Zoning Meeting

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association P&Z Agenda
Wednesday held May 16, 2018 7pm

AGENDA (reviewed)

Meeting Minutes: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA P&Z 2018_05_18 minutes.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

May 2018 Monthly Meeting

JPNA Monthly Meeting Agenda
Monday, May 14th @ 7pm
Jeffries Yacht Club
565 Sumner Street

Agenda discussed:

  • Police Updates – Sergeant Martin, Officer Simons
  • Updates From Elected Officials – Senator Joe Boncore, Representative Adrian Madaro, City Councilor Lydia Edwards, City Councilor at Large, Ayanna Pressley.
  • 154 Maverick Marketplace Cafe – 2nd presentation, update occupancy; Rebuttal of increased occupancy request. VOTE taken with 41 in favor of the increased occupancy request and 6 opposed.
  • 238 Webster Street – Demolish existing structure and construct a new building with 9 residential units and 8 parking spaces. Attorney Eckel, Drago & Toscano. VOTE taken with 10 in favor of the proposed development and 37 opposed.

Detailed minutes are available here. [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JPNA May_14_2018 minutes.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

April 2018 Planning & Zoning Meeting

Wednesday April 18, 2018 at 7:00 pm
Logan Rental Car Center (Conrac Building), 15 Transportation Way
Cathy Leonard-McLean Community Room, lower level

AGENDA (subject to change)

91 Webster Street: 1st appearance. Proposal to construct a new roof deck. Robyn Antonucci, owner representing the condo association. Presentations and documents available here.

159-165 Everett Street: 2nd appearance. Proposal to combine lots and erect a 9 unit residential dwelling with parking. Attorney Richard Lynds. Presentations and documents available here.

238 Webster Street: 3rd appearance. Proposal to demolish existing building and erect 9 residential units with 8 parking spaces. Attorneys Drago & Toscano. Presentations and documents available here.

9-15 Webster Avenue: 1st appearance. Proposal to erect vertical, fourth floor addition on existing building at 11-15 Webster Ave. to create a 6-unit residential building. Build new 3-unit, 4-story residential building on vacant lot at 9 Webster Ave. Project includes a total of 9 residential units. No parking proposed. Attorney Mark Lacasse. Presentations and documents available here.

Click here for minutes from the April 18th P&Z Meeting.

April 2018 Monthly Meeting

JPNA Monthly Meeting Agenda
Monday, April 9th @ 7pm
Jeffries Yacht Club
565 Sumner Street

Agenda (Subject to Change):

  • Police Updates – Sergeant Martin, Officer Simon
  • Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) – Discussion of the opening of the ICA’s new space, the Watershed, in the East Boston Shipyard.
  • 154 Maverick Marketplace Cafe – 1st presentation on changing occupancy capacity and hours. Presentation: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”2018-04-05- Maverick Marketplace 18-3022 EGRESS.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”] [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Old Occupancy Blueprint Jan 6, 2015.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • Reseeding Brophy Park/Belmont Square – Discussion of a proposed application for Community Preservation Act funding to reseed Brophy Park/Belmont Square this year.

Meeting Minutes Available Here: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Monday, 4_9_ JPNA Monthly Meeting Minutes.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]


Jeffries Point Historic District Community Meeting

A community meeting to discuss the creation of a new National Register Historic District in Jeffries Point.

All are welcome!

For more information, including materials presented at this meeting, visit the National Register District page.

When: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 6 pm – 7 pm

Where: East Boston Neighborhood Health Center Training Building (250 Sumner Street), 1st Floor Conference Room.

The Boston Landmarks Commission and the Mass. Historical Commission have determined that part of Jeffries Point surrounding Brophy Park/Belmont Square is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places as a district (see image below for the proposed “Belmont Historic District” boundaries in blue). Designation will represent national recognition of the value of Jeffries Point’s historic architecture.

This is a preliminary meeting to inform residents and answer questions about the proposed district before moving forward with the nomination. Staff from the Boston Landmarks Commission and the Mass. Historical Commission will take questions and explain what the National Register is, the effects and benefits of listing on the Register, and what the designation will mean for Jeffries Point (short answer: National Register designation offers certain benefits to the community while placing no restrictions on homeowners using private funds to work on their homes).


Proposed Belmont National Register Historic District Boundaries