January 2018 Monthly Meeting

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association

 January 9th, 2018 @ 7pm  Jeffries Yacht Club (565 Sumner Street)

Minutes are posted to the Monthly Meeting section of this site along with presentation material that

AGENDA (reviewed)

  • Police updates – Sgt. Martin, Officer Simons. A7 Police Contact Info: [google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/a/jeffriespoint.org/file/d/1q1-BmCumn8w63sKY8RNQfjQqUclEoNhZ/view?usp=drivesdk” title=”Boston Police District A-7 Contact Info.pdf” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/pdf” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • JPNA Board – Year in Review Presentation: [google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/a/jeffriespoint.org/file/d/1lqN9ZvMxk3-VaSjai6D1oe_mZke3Dnq8/view?usp=drivesdk” title=”JPNA_StateOfTheJPNA_0Jan2018.pdf” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/pdf” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • Friends of Boston HarborWalk – East Boston HarborWalk Cleanups and Interpretive Signage. Mike Manning, Erik Bankey, and Liz Weaver presenting. Presentations: [google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/a/jeffriespoint.org/file/d/1Ox7RCwDeXL24N6gEpxgePVZv5a03ywvr/view?usp=drivesdk” title=”Intro to HW signage Jan2018.pptx” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”] [google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/a/jeffriespoint.org/file/d/1t_skdCg48JjLWeTF-j87iv3qpMqYsOlP/view?usp=drivesdk” title=”FBHW – Bayswater Street clean-up.pptx” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]
  • 375 Maverick Street – Demolition of existing 2 family and construction of new 3 family building. Owner: Abdel Krikib. VOTE. 
  • 81 Webster Street – Rear addition to expand building’s living space. Deferred to February.
  • 331 Sumner Street, The Quiet Few – Application for alcohol license for new bar/restaurant. Owner: Josh Weinstein, Attorney: Kristen Scanlon.

Meeting Minutes Available Here: [google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/a/jeffriespoint.org/file/d/171rrS115y4-at7H75Ik2acASaIDPT70a/view?usp=drivesdk” title=”JPNA Jan_9_2018 minutes.pdf” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/pdf” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”]

JPNA Pot Luck is Monday December 11th! Read on to see the amazing raffle prizes!!!

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association
Holiday Pot Luck with Raffle to support the Adams School, Raffle Prizes Announced!!
December 11th at 6:30PM
Jeffries Point Yacht Club
565 Sumner Street
Announcing our donors for the Pot Luck Raffle!  Please come to check out these awesome items that could be a holiday gift!!  Or even better, a gift you give to yourself!! 
The Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association would like to express our gratitude to our Jeffries Point businesses who are generously supporting our raffle!  All raffle proceeds will support the Samuel Adams Elementary School on Webster Street here in Jeffries Point!  Please say thank you to these wonderful donors and solicit their business!
  • Carmella’s gift certificate
  • the Cunard Tavern gift certificate
  • Italian Express gift certificate
  • KO Pies gift certificate
  • Pier’s Park Sailing Center Sunset Cruise certificate

and from individual, generous donors:

  • House History  research, researching the architectural history, past residents, connections to East Boston history and more for your house or another building of your choice.
  • Chocolate lover’s basket
  • Wine and cheese basket
Please join us for some great food and conversation with great neighbors!  Bring your favorite dish along, either homemade or bought, to share with all.


Other Noteworthy Neighborhood events and general announcements:

December 10th (Sunday) 11AM-4PM, East Boston Open Market: Holiday Market  At The Eddy, 10 New Street, East Boston. Support local makers and find unique holiday gifts. EBOM Holiday Market will also feature kids crafts, book sale, and gift wrapping to benefit our local schools, pet/ family holiday photo studio, live entertainment, and hot beverages! See the EBOM Facebook Page for more details.

December 15th (Friday) from 7PM-Midnight: the 14th Annual Eastie’s Elves! Please join the Eastie’s Elves presented by the Madaro Family Community Fund at the Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor, 101 Harborside Drive.  Admission is one unwrapped toy.  Dinner, entertainment, a Silent Auction and cash bar will make for a festive evening while donating to a wonderful cause!


JPNA November Meeting Summary (Monthly and P&Z)

 JPNA Monthly Meeting Agenda
Held on Monday November 13th 7pm

Summary of Agenda Discussed is below. For full details, please see the minutes under the Monthly Meetings section of our site, under the “meetings” tab.

  1. Neighborhood events and general announcements
  2. Police Update
  3. Introduction to Joanna McKeigue Cruz, Principal of the Adams School
  4. HYM Investment Group second appearance regarding Suffolk Downs plans for general development (not related to Amazon announcement)
  5. 331 Sumner St vote on liquor license request by Whiskey Town LLC, dba The Quiet Few

JPNA Monthly Planning & Zoning Meeting Agenda
Held on Wednesday November 15th 7pm

Summary of Agenda Discussed is below. For full details, please see the minutes under the  Planning & Zoning section of our site, under the “Meetings” tab.

  • 375 Maverick St demolition and conversion from 2-family to 3- family, Abdel Krikib owner.
  • Narrow Gauge Railway Parcels, informational session, Richard Lynds, Esq. on behalf of developer MG2


JPNA September Monthly Meeting 9/12 @ 7PM

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association
Monthly Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda For TUESDAY Sept 12th 2017 , 7pm 
Jeffries Point Yacht Club
565 Sumner Street


Police updates –  Sgt. Martin , Officer Simmons
Jason Ruggiero – Introduction, Massport Liaison
80 Marginal Street –  9 Unit multi-family with parking Atty Richard Lynds – Vote
District 1 City Council Community Forum –    Candidates Lydia Edwards , Margaret Farmer and Stephen Passacantilli.