JPNA Updates – Wed 4/19 P&Z; Tues 5/9 Monthly Meeting; June Election

  1. Monthly Minutes from March and the April 11th Monthly Meeting are posted under Meeting Minutes.
  2. The Planning and Zoning meeting is this Wednesday, April 19th and the agenda is:
    1. 80 Marginal Street – Vacant Lot – proposed new construction multi-family development
  3. The City of Boston is holding an important Open House on Monday May 8th from 6PM-8PM at the East Boston High School.  The Mayor and leadership of many city agencies and departments will be in attendance to answer questions and provide information.  Given the importance of this, the JPNA is moving its monthly meeting to Tuesday May 9th, 2017. 
  4. JPNA Election: The JPNA Board is up for election in June; nominations for candidates for the Board can be made now up until the day of the June meeting, which is June 12th.  Those elected will take office at the September 2017 meeting until 2019.

April 11th (Tues.) Meeting Agenda

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association
Monthly Meeting Agenda for Tuesday April 11th 7pm
@ 565 Sumner Street  (Jeffries Point Yacht Club)

Agenda (Subject to Change) –

  1. D7 Police –  Updates by Sgt. James Martin & Officer Danny Simmons
  2. Commissioner William Christopher from ISD (Inspectional services Dept) – Present the City’s pilot of an Additional Dwelling Units (ADU) program.
  3. 287 Maverick Street ( Vote ) – Demolition of existing buildings. New construction of mixed-use building with 37 condos, commercial space (coffee shop) plus residential parking. Atty R. Lynds; Developer MG2

  • Planning and Zoning will be on Wednesday April 19th with an agenda published a week in advance.
  • The Board’s semi-annual election will be held at the June meeting and details will be announced at the April 11th meeting.

March 13th Monthly Meeting Agenda

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association
Meeting Agenda for MONDAY March 13,2017
7pm at the Jeffries Point Yacht Club
565 Sumner street.

Agenda –

Police updates – Sgt, James Martin & Officer Danny Simons

Harbor Keepers – Magdalena Ayed – Information on new local non-profit organization

256 Everett Street – New construction on parking lot – 4 unit condo building – VOTING

287 Marginal Street – Demolition of an existing structure and construction of 7 residential units. VOTING

3 Lamson Court – Demolition of existing structures; 5 unit new construction townhouse units – VOTING

March Updates

Below are updates from the end of February / early March.  Please email us at with any additional information or corrections.

  1. February Meeting Minutes: Now available on under the Meetings tab.
  2. March Meeting Dates:
    1. Monthly Meeting: Monday March 13th @7PM. Agenda forthcoming; tentatively includes vote on 298 Marginal Street proposal
    2. P&Z Meeting: Moving to Wednesday 3/22 (tentative).  On 3/15 please instead attend the East Boston Main Streets monthly meeting where the 9 Chelsea Street (former Rapino’s Funeral Home) development is being discussed at Maverick Landing Community Room, 6PM.
  3. Neighborhood Slow Streets Application:
    1. The JPNA will be submitting this by March 24th for the area between Bremen Streets and Jeffries Streets bounded by Maverick and Marginal Streets.
    2. Please contact David Aiken at with any questions or to offer support for this initiative.
    3. The application and information is here.
  4. AirBNB / Short Term Rentals– The JPNA would like to help understand the extent of short term rentals impacting the neighborhood. To that end, we are creating an inventory of short term rentals.  If you know of any, please email us at
  5. Adapt East Boston: Harvard Graduate Students initiative with NOAH
    1. Please take this survey for graduate students working with NOAH on an East Boston planning effort English ( Spanish (
      1. Facebook: Adapt East Boston  @AdaptEastBoston
      2. Twitter: AdaptEastBoston
  6. East Boston Shines on April 28th-29th.  More information TBA.

February Meeting Agendas

Monthly Meeting (Mon 2/13) and Planning and Zoning (Wed 2/15) Agendas:

Note: Please see the Meetings tab for updated minutes and the Resources page for the JPNA – State of the JPNA and the NOAH tree canopy presentations from the January 2017 meeting.

Monday 2/13 @ 7PM:

  1. JPNA Monthly Updates
  2. District 7 Police – Sgt Martin, Officer Simmons – Monthly Update
  3. JPNA presentation on BTD’s Neighborhood Slow Streets Program
    • JPNA will be submitting an application for this program as a follow up to the November meeting with BTD regarding Sumner Street.
  4. Loftel Hotel (Orleans and Porter Streets) – New owners providing update on project status

Wednesday 2/15 @ 7PM:


  1. 296-298 Marginal St. Presented by Diane Modica, demolition of an existing structure and construction of 7 residential units. Second P and Z meeting
  2. 287 Maverick St. Presented by Richard Lynds. Demolition of an existing industrial garage and construction of a mixed use residential and commercial building with parking, this is the first meeting for this project.