JPNA Monthly Meeting – Tues 5/9 (Updated)
JPNA May Updates
The meeting is Tuesday May 9th due to the Mayor’s East Boston Open House on Monday May 8th at East Boston High School from 6-8PM.
JPNA Election:
- If you, or someone you know, would make a good candidate to serve on the JPNA Board of Directors please nominate them starting now up until the June 12th meeting. The Board will confirm eligibility to be on the June ballot.
- Those elected in June will be inducted at the September meeting for a period of 2 years.
Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association
Monthly Meeting Agenda for Tuesday May 9th 7pm
@ 565 Sumner Street (Jeffries Point Yacht Club)
Agenda (Subject to Change) –
- Police Updates – Sgt. Martin & Officer Simmons
- Vine & Barley – Present plan to sell liquor. Customers have asked owner to add more of a selection. 1st of 2 meetings at minimum (must return again in June)
- Climate Ready Boston – Austin Blackmon, Chief of the Environment.
- Wayfair Development – 31 Orleans St – former Future Automotive site – Construction update
- Update Phil Frattaroli – Cunard Tavern
- Request to convert office space into a 5th residential unit (permitted for 4 units)
- Request for sidewalk dining permit and live music permit
- REMOVED – Moved to June – Hodge Boiler Works – 99 Sumner St. The Davis Company. ( informational only – 119 rental units proposed)
- Elected Officials Update
- Sen. Joe Boncore
- State Rep . Adrian Madaro
- City Councilor Sal LaMattina