JPNA Updates – Wed 4/19 P&Z; Tues 5/9 Monthly Meeting; June Election
- Monthly Minutes from March and the April 11th Monthly Meeting are posted under Meeting Minutes.
- The Planning and Zoning meeting is this Wednesday, April 19th and the agenda is:
- 80 Marginal Street – Vacant Lot – proposed new construction multi-family development
- The City of Boston is holding an important Open House on Monday May 8th from 6PM-8PM at the East Boston High School. The Mayor and leadership of many city agencies and departments will be in attendance to answer questions and provide information. Given the importance of this, the JPNA is moving its monthly meeting to Tuesday May 9th, 2017.
- JPNA Election: The JPNA Board is up for election in June; nominations for candidates for the Board can be made now up until the day of the June meeting, which is June 12th. Those elected will take office at the September 2017 meeting until 2019.