P&Z Meeting 9/16/15

September 16th, 7pm, at the Jeffries Point Yacht Club located at 565 Sumner Street.

Everyone is welcome.

  • 303 Summer Street, proposal to add 3 levels above an existing structure and change the zoning to a restaurant.
  • 14-16 Murray Court, proposal to build a 3 family with three parking spaces on an empty lot.

JPNA Meeting Tuesday 9/8/15

The September Meeting of the Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association will occur on Tuesday September 8th at 7:00 PM at the Jeffries Point Yacht Club (located at 565 Sumner Street). We know this is a significant schedule change. It was made to avoid Labor Day and the religious holidays that immediately follow. Everyone is welcome to attend!


– Board Installation
– Police Update
– Porzio Park Design Committee
– Renew Boston, update on Energy Efficiency Options
– Downeast Cider, informational presentation
– 80 Everett Street, construction of a three family home on a vacant lot. [VOTING]

Doors open at 6:30, and the meeting runs from 7:00 – 8:30.

8/19/15 P&Z Agenda

Jeffries Point P&Z Meeting Agenda, 8/19/15

August 19, 2015

At The Massport Conrac Bldg., Noddle Island Meeting Room (1st Floor).

JPNA will resume meetings at the JP Yacht Club in September.

  • 6-10 Sumner Place
  • 303 Sumner St. – Change occupancy from bakery/cafe to restaurant. And erect vertical addition for 4 units.
  • 14 Murray Ct. – Erect 3 family condo on vacant lot with 3 parking spaces.
  • 80 Everett St. – 2nd presentation. 3 family condo on vacant lot.