P+Z Meeting, 3/18/2015

The next Planning & Zoning meeting is scheduled for Wednesday March 18th at 7pm at the Jeffries Point Yacht Club.

  • 245 Sumner Street, Construction Update, Richard Lynds
  • 14-16 Geneva Street, new construction of a multi unit condo building with bottom level parking, Richard Lynds
  • 312 Sumner Street, New construction on an empty lot, multi units proposed, Richard Lynds

JPNA Agenda 3/9/15

JPNA meeting, scheduled for March 9th at 7pm at the Jeffries Yacht Club. All are welcome.

  • Dr. Jackie Fantes, new Chief Medical Officer and resident, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (tentative)
  • Claudia Correa, new East Boston Neighborhood Liaison
  • 205 Maverick Street, proposal for a retail alcohol location (1st meeting)
  • 5 Murray Court, expansion of living space and internal renovation (Voting)

n.b. 205 Maverick St. is the Maverick St. Market, see pic:

Maverick St. Market
Maverick St. Market

JPNA Candidate Forum Videos

The JPNA Board is happy to present the following videos from our candidate forum, held 2/16/2015. In their own words (in alphabetical order,) here are the candidates for East Boston State Representative

Ed Deveau

Camilo Hernandez

Adrian Madaro

Joanne Pomodoro

Joe Ruggiero

Lou Scapicchio

** Special thank you to Vice-Chair Jon Rizzo and Treasurer Matthew Barison.