February Meeting Agendas

Monthly Meeting (Mon 2/13) and Planning and Zoning (Wed 2/15) Agendas:

Note: Please see the Meetings tab for updated minutes and the Resources page for the JPNA – State of the JPNA and the NOAH tree canopy presentations from the January 2017 meeting.

Monday 2/13 @ 7PM:

  1. JPNA Monthly Updates
  2. District 7 Police – Sgt Martin, Officer Simmons – Monthly Update
  3. JPNA presentation on BTD’s Neighborhood Slow Streets Program
    • JPNA will be submitting an application for this program as a follow up to the November meeting with BTD regarding Sumner Street.
  4. Loftel Hotel (Orleans and Porter Streets) – New owners providing update on project status

Wednesday 2/15 @ 7PM:


  1. 296-298 Marginal St. Presented by Diane Modica, demolition of an existing structure and construction of 7 residential units. Second P and Z meeting
  2. 287 Maverick St. Presented by Richard Lynds. Demolition of an existing industrial garage and construction of a mixed use residential and commercial building with parking, this is the first meeting for this project.

JPNA Updates

Several Updates:

  1. January’s Planning and Zoning minutes have been posted here.
  2. January’s monthly meeting minutes are posted here.
  3. The JPNA will be soliciting input for a Boston Transportation Department Neighborhood Slow Streets application due in mid-March.  This will be submitted as follow up to the November meeting regarding Sumner Street which was held at the EBNHC.  If you’d like to participate in helping with the application please email board@jeffriespoint.org.  The application is here.
  4. February’s meetings will be held as noted below with agenda’s posted shortly.
    1. Monday February 13th (Monthly Meeting)
    2. Wednesday February 15th (Planning and Zoning)

January Planning & Zoning Wed 1/18 @7PM

Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association P&Z Agenda
Wednesday January 18, 2017 7pm
Jeffries Point Yacht Club
565 Sumner street

Agenda –

296-298 Marginal street – New development , multi unit . Att: Diane Modica

254-256 Everett street – New development , multi unit . Atty Richard Lynds

JPNA End of Year Updates


As we say goodbye to 2016 and enter 2017, a few administrative updates:

  1. All meeting minutes are posted under the respective Monthly Meeting or Planning and Zoning pages on this site.
  2. All of the meeting dates through June 2017 are also listed on these respective pages.
  3. We welcomed Mary Cole and Andrew Gelling to the Board in November after a vote at the November meeting, replacing Meg Hammond and Marc Savatsky.
  4. We will start again in 2017 on TUESDAY January 10th, due to a conflict with a meeting at the Yacht Club on Monday.

Happy New Year from the JPNA Board!

JPNA Updates: Board Election Results, BTD 11/29 Meeting, December 12/12 Potuck

Tuesday 11/29: Sumner Street / Boston Transportation Department Meeting @ EBNHC 250 Sumner Street, Starting @ 6:30PM.

BTD will be setting up so you can drop by for as long as you’d like. BTD wants to collect information about what residents feel is or is not working well on Sumner Street today. They will have a big map with sticky notes for people to write comments and hand-outs with some ideas, both short- and long-term.

Please come by EBNHC at 250 Sumner Street starting at 6:30 to participate, ask questions and offer your input on Sumner Street so BTD can take that input and review possible improvements to the street.

JPNA Election:  JPNA held an election in November of the Voting Members and Mary Cole and Andrew Gelling were elected to fill the seats of Vice-Chair and Treasurer. Please welcome them!

December 12th Potluck: Please plan to attend our holiday potluck on Monday December 12th at the Yacht Club at 7PM. This will be held instead of our typical monthly meeting. This is for the whole family to attend!

December 14th Planning and Zoning: A meeting is planned for Wednesday 12/14 @ 7PM.  This is a week earlier than usual given the holiday season. An agenda will be posted a week in advanced, or cancelled if there are no projects.

(Please join our email list at the link above or: Email List)